Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Do Not Focus on the Slow Sales Today. Prepare for More Sales Tomorrow!

Yes, times are slow right now for many reasons! It’s the summer so families are out and about instead of buying things. Also, some families have added expenses like summer camp! People are just enjoying the weather, going on vacations and not being the usual consumer. It’s typical with Summer to have a slow season so do not let it discourage you! Look at the silver lining... you have a bit more time on your hands to take advantage of!

If you allow this slow time to bring you down then you will only sink yourself! Be positive and utilize this time to prepare for the holiday season coming up! Plan ahead and get cracking on those marketing and business plans! Stay busy and stay positive. I have always honestly thought that the Summer was a WONDERFUL break to allow us to prepare for the Christmas rush.

Have you started increasing your inventory? Have you started working on your marketing plans for the holiday season? Have you considered what added bonuses you will offer your customers to make their lives easier during this insane time? Have you formulated any sales plans to increase traffic? What about holiday marketing? What will YOU being doing to stop focusing on the slow sales today and prepare for the quick increase of very very soon!

-I’m looking at different banner advertising on Mom forums.
-I will be donating goods to various non-profits for sweepstakes in exchange for advertising on their websites and things of that nature
-I am increasing my inventory and will be offering only in stock and OOAK outfits instead of a lot of Custom Made to Size
-I will be offering gift wrapping
-I am going to be sending out postcards to my previous customers and anyone that signs up for my Newsletter that will include promos for them for the holidays

These are just a few off the top of my head. What will you be focusing on to move you forward through the slow times?

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kim* said...

yes i need to start working on projects but blogging has been a fun time for me. i do see what you are saying though...patience is a virtue. :)

Immature Couture said...

Thank you Kim! Patience is a virtue and I prefer to stay busy while I am being patient!

Alayna said...

Great ideas! Thank you for sharing!
Last year the holidays were crazy - thanks for the reminder that I need to come up with a better plan for this year!

PAC said...

Its very true. I already started listing some of my xmas stuff last month!

Anonymous said...

Great post. I agree things have slowed down all around and just concentrate on tomorrow. I realized myself that wants you stop paying attention to how slow things are, that out of no where you will get a sale. I have Etsy and a website so when one is down the other picks up :-)

T.Allen said...

Um yeah, I guess I should plan my plan, yes? I'm always so busy with blogging,designing and creating that slow periods are welcomed, encouraged even...I guess I need to get crackin'-thanks for the reminder.