Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Designs for Big Girls!

First I have to give some credit to these designs to my daughter... she is 6 years old. Her and I came up with this whole half back skirt tutu design when she wanted to add "a bit more awesome" (as she puts it) to her wardrobe. We started doing this a couple years ago and its evolved into many different things. Here are a few new things I've listed the past two days for girls who want to add a bit more awesome!

Skull Tutu Tank-

Ruffle Tanks-

Stumble Upon Toolbar


rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

I love the tutu effect! I may have to try a little more awesome in my won wardrobe!

esque said...

Tutus rule! Looks terrific!

Broken China Treasures said...

Looks like you have quite a designed on your side! Very cute!

kim* said...

very punky, love it!